After fifty-three years, our town, our island of Lošinj and our sea have recieved a prestigious award of organizing the 27th World Underwater Fishing Championship, 14-19 September 2010.
This clearly did not occur by incident – this is a result of a longstanding underwater fishing tradition in our region.
A mere thought of underwater fishing makes you think of our town that made a huge contribution as it managed to organize something unachievable to others in certain times of recession.
No doubt a great contribution was also made by the tireless enthusiasts, whose name will forever remain inscribed in gold letters in the history of underwater fishing.
This is why many national teams of the world have passed through our town, making a special attraction in our extensive tourism tradition (over 120 years).
Images of Lošinj have been shown across the world, our pride has grown, and we have found nothing too difficult to do.
Now that it is clear this is no easy task, our club and our town have taken upon them the responsibility of organizing such a major competition.